Our assets

Contrary to traditional financial establishments, GIS-Advisers is situated besides its clients, on the same side of the table during discussions with banks or financial establishments.

Its own interests and those of its clients are always similar, never divergent. Experience, talents, independence, objectivity and safety ; it is exceptional that these various qualities, often divergent, are gathered within the same company which therefore deserves all the attention of any demanding investor.

The experiment

This irreplaceable element is certainly the most important in the asset management field.

The key individuals in charge of GIS-Advisers have more than 25 years of experience of the international financial markets, acquired within the greatest international establishments.

They guided their clients through the 1987 crash and other crises (Japan, Mexico, Russia, Asia, LTCM, Subprime, Lehman Brothers, …) before the excesses of the Internet “bubble”….


GIS-Advisers managers do not claim to know everything about the complex international financial markets.

The success of GIS-Advisers lies in the collaboration with :

  • The best strategists of the main international financial establishments, to contribute to an global asset allocation.
  • The Best specialized managers (by country, currencies, asset classes, sectors, styles of management, etc.) .


These regular working relationships developed over years with the majority of the main international financial establishments, and with the best managers in the world, do not result however in any particular financial or capital intensive obligation between GIS-Advisers and these various companies.

No financial institution takes part in the capital of GIS-Advisers which is entirely held by the directors of the company.



This independence is the best guarantee of a perfect objectivity.

With the difference to the traditional financial establishments advisers, the recommendations of GIS-Advisers are not the results of any instruction or obligation but depend only on a strictly professional opinion.

The fundamental distinction with the traditional financial establishments is that GIS-Advisers is, with its clients, on the same side of the table during discussions with banks or financial establishments.

Your interests and those of GIS-Advisers are always similar, never divergent, and constitute the best guarantee of objectivity.



GIS-Advisers, as « an Independent Asset Manager », is supervised permanently by AOOS (www.aoos.ch), guarantor in front of the Swiss authorities of the respect of the official “code of conduct” of this profession and responsible for a on-going follow-up (audit, money laundering, etc.).

The Swiss bank Privacy, to which GIS-Advisers is strictly submitted, and whose possible rupture involves penal sanctions, insure the absolute confidentiality of its clients.

Lastly, the clients assets are held in individual accounts, opened personally by each client, in independent financial establishments, and on which GIS-Advisers is only allowed to operate financial transactions.


GIS-Advisers remains however a human size company, based on personal relationship with its clients :

The personalization of the management strategies makes it a necessity.

The role of GIS-Advisers is indeed to be constantly at the disposal of its clients, in perfect knowledge of their personal situation to advise in any specific field required concerning their financial situation.

GIS-Advisers thus constitutes a unique partner, regular and constant who selects, gathers, combines and supervises the talents of the fund managers in the world, to offer its clients, under the best conditions, the most adapted solutions to their needs and their desires.